In France, the profession of court-appointed administrator is regulated and is under the supervision of the French State. Court-appointed administrators assist distressed companies. However, unlike our foreign counterparts, we do not carry out liquidation proceedings: we only work with active companies.
Within this strict regulatory framework, we are focused on creating value, and we attach great importance to the principle of independence underpinning our profession.
Accordingly, we pay considerable attention to avoiding any conflicts of interest and we focus on what is in the company's best interests.
We are convinced of the fundamental importance of handling difficulties as early as possible: as such, most of our work consists of searching for amicable solutions in confidential court-regulated processes (mandat ad hoc, conciliations), in the form of out-of-court negotiations.
Given the nature of our approach, which is both comprehensive and value-oriented, each of our associates has excellent training in both law and finance.
In addition, aware of the importance of the special relationship that he enjoys with the company managers and judges who place their trust in him, Florent Hunsinger relies on a tight-knit team of talented people and is personally involved, so as to ensure the success of each of his missions.
Drawing on our imagination, expertise, and energy, our culture is results-oriented and we are committed to making each mission a success.
Thus, we have well-established know-how in resolving high impact issues existing at listed or unlisted companies, family groups or companies under an LBO.